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Thought I'd post a tutorial on how to make the felt flowers that I made a couple of weeks ago.
They are really pretty easy to make, not much sewing, and they turn out beautifully. I made my flowers into pins and barrettes, but I am sure they have many other possibilities!
This is the first tutorial I have written so bear with me, hope it comes across clearly, let me know if you try it and have any questions!
Wool Felt
Needle and thread
(I used button thread, it is nice and strong and thick)
Hot glue gun
Scissors and pinking shears
Pin or barrette
Using the felt flower template cut out one flower back (use your pinking shears to cut out the flower back), twelve flower petals and two flower *stamens from your felt. (*the scraps from the petals work well for the stamens)
If you are making several flowers at once, which is what I did, then it may be helpful to cut the felt into 1" strips first and then cut the strips into 1" x 1.5" rectangles. Stack three rectangles so that you can cut three petals at a time. I found that this method made the petal cutting go much more quickly than cutting each of them individually.
Once your pieces are cut out tie a knot at the bottom of your thread and begin to string the petals onto the thread. Pinch the petal together at the bottom edge (straight side)
and sew through the petal where you are pinching it together, continue in this manner for all twelve petals. After all of the petals have been sewn together sew through the first one again in the same manner to make a ring.
Pull the thread taut to push all of the petals together and close the ring up tightly, now sew back through the first petal one more time, pull the needle through the loop to knot the thread, trim the tail.
Next, manipulate the petals to form the flower. Push one petal back, the next one forward and alternate until you are happy with the shape of your flower. You should have two rows of petals (I like to have my front row of petals standing almost straight up and down).
Next, feed the stamen pieces through the center hole of the flower with the rounded part up and the pointed part (tails) in the back of the flower.
Put a small dot of hot glue on the stamen tails on the back so that they don't pull through. Once the glue on the stamen is dry you can then place a thin line of hot glue around the outer edge of the flower back circle and press it onto the back of the flower being sure the back row of flowers are firmly pushed together and onto the circle at the same time.
Now, cut two small slits in the circle on the back of the flower
and feed the pin or barrette through the holes
(**Update, I found it was helpful to put a very tiny amount of glue inside the hole after placing the pin so that the pin doesn't slide around too much when you are trying to unclasp it and put it on and off)
Voila! Done, now time to enjoy!
**A note: You can also make the flowers two different colors as seen in one of the flowers below by alternating two different colored petals as you sew them onto the thread (ie. yellow, red, yellow, red, etc.) Let your imagination and your garden guide you!
Ps. Please share your pictures at my Flickr group!
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