Admittedly, with Thanksgiving just days away and Christmas swiftly following, I should not really be spending my time making "frivolous" things, right? But, I couldn't help myself. There is this fun little thing going on over at No Big Dill
The point is to sew something that was inspired by a children's book. There have been some many cute and clever ideas shared so far, from caps from "Caps for Sale" to a "Grouchy Ladybug" dress. I hadn't necessarily intended on making something to go along with the "party", but then...peeking out of our bookshelf...I saw her, "The Little House". It was almost like she wriggled her way out a bit just so to get my attention!
This book is currently one of my favorites, well, I think it might always and forever be one of my favorites! Part of the reason I love it so much is because of this picture
This "little house" lived right down the street from us when we lived in Jersey City. I fell in love with this house the moment I saw it. While the big buildings of Jersey City have not yet completely surround her, they are coming! The picture does not really do the house justice. It is a beautiful little house, and, unlike "The Little House", there is someone who lives in it and takes very very good care of this little house.
"The Little House" tells of a little pink house that lives in the country and watches the city inch closer and closer to her. Then she watches it grow all around her until eventually no one notices her or takes care of her anymore. One day, someone does notice her and she is moved back out into the country where she belongs. A sweet little story, a recognizable one too. With all of the love I have for all that big cities have to offer I always feel a little bit of a pull toward the country...Maybe someday someone will pluck me up and drop me in the middle of nowhere...oh wouldn't that be nice! (*And a little bit sad too...*)
So, this little book, this little house, shimmied herself out a bit from the other books and asked to be bigger, asked to be brought to "life" I made a Little House pillow (despite many many other things to be done...)
Sadly, the pictures of today on a rainy day without much light, do not do her justice. But, she is soft, and sweet, and cuddly, and she makes me smile! So, thanks for the inspiration Once Upon a Thread! I had fun! I do have a tutorial in the process, but, alas, that has to wait a bit, must get some other things completed first, but check back!!
So, what's your favorite, or current favorite, children's book?