Hi there!! If you are stopping by via Pinterest or from another link, thanks so much for coming! And, while you're at it, take a look around...there's lots of fun stuff to see!
As you know I make a lot of things around here, just for fun and to make things feel a bit more festive around here...I did this even before kids...now there is the added fun of making them with Violet and sometimes, Henry.
Admittedly, some of my projects are done sort of with Violet's help. For instance, she gets to help me find and prepare things, or she helps with certain aspects while I do the more difficult parts. That being said, I do have quite the crafty daughter, so she really does often wind up helping with all parts of many of the projects around here. And, she is just ONE preschooler which makes pretty much any project fairly manageable. The true test is multiple preschoolers, then you know how easy something actually is!
Yesterday, I went to Violet's preschool class to lead them in making a couple of crafts. I was really looking forward to coming in to visit with her class. I did this last year with the kiddos and we made clothespin people which was a lot of fun, and I knew whatever we did this time around would be fun too, but there is always that inkling in the back of your head...will they have fun? How will it all work out? Is it going to be a disaster? I am happy to report, no disasters! Fun! And beautiful, original holiday decorations made by them!!
So, what did we make? Snow globes and star ornaments.
First, to start with the snow globes...A long long time ago, like maybe 8 years ago...I tried to make these snow globes after seeing them in a Martha Stewart magazine. It did not end well. In fact, somewhere in the depths of my old, non-digital pictures, I probably have a picture of them, but who has time for photo digging right now...Anyway, the water in them turned green, ugh! The paint on the figurines that I put inside my snow globes began to wash/rub off and turned the water green - snow globe FAIL! Even with that fail I always wanted to try again, but never got around to it. Then, just the other day I came across this tutorial for photograph snow globes and I thought I'd give it another go...
In Gabrielle's tutorial she uses clear packing tape to seal the photos and keep them waterproof. I just wasn't quite sure how the tape was going to work out and, let's face it, packing tape is STICKY, not necessarily the best tool for preschoolers to use, I'm afraid there may have been one too many mis-tapes! Instead of using packing tape I used self adhesive laminating pouches (you can find them at home office stores). These worked out really well, perfect for preschoolers.
What you need:
Mason jars
Pictures to put inside the snow globe
Snow, glitter
Before getting started I did crazy glue the seal part of the mason jar lid onto the ring part of the lid, just to make sure there was no chance of leaks. I also downloaded some fun holiday and wintry pictures from here and here and cut them out. One more step before getting started, trim the height down on the laminating pouches a bit so that they fit snugly into the mason jar. The kids each got a laminating pouch and opened them up and laid them down. I let them pick whatever they wanted to put in their snow globe just as long as it fit within the border of the laminating pouch. Once they had their pictures arranged we peeled off the white part of the pouch and gently pressed the sticky side on top of their collage. Once we were sure there was a good seal we rolled each collage up into a little tube and put it into the mason jar upside down. Each child scooped out some glitter and put it into their jar. Once the glitter was in we poured in the water and I added a couple of drops of glycerin (to help the snow fall more slowly) and then we twisted the tops on extra tight. Next, of course, shake, shake, shake!!
After a bit of shaking we eagerly moved on to our next project - star ornaments! These star ornaments were inspired partly by West Elm and partly by this beautiful ornament that Brad made for me a couple of years ago.
Brad was thrilled to know, of course, that he inspired me!! He said "I've made my mark on the craft world! The lady from Buzzmills just made something inspired by my ornament!" Oh, what a sweetie!
What you need:
Star template or cookie cutter
Brown acrylic paint
Here it is, super simple! I made the stars before class, of course kids can help with this part too, but for the sake of time...I did it beforehand. Trace onto cardboard. Cut them out and then paint them with brown paint.
After the paint is dry poke a hole through the top and tie a piece of twine onto the star for hanging. Next cut a piece of yarn about 18" long or so. Hold the yarn onto the star with one finger and then wrap the yarn around and around and around the different points of the star until you get to the end of your yarn, tuck loose end into the already wrapped yarn. You can repeat this part as many times as you'd like and with as many different colors of yarn as your little heart and hands desire!! I love the result! The kids really had lots of fun with the wrapping part, oh and the adding many many colors part too!
And, lest you think after reading this...what if I don't have a preschooler to make these with...Not to worry!! Both of these projects are just as fun for adults as they are kids! I do love the photo in the snow globe idea from the snow globe tutorial, very adult friendly. And, the stars, are super simple and pretty darn classy if I do say so myself...
I couldn't resist making one myself when we came home. And of course some to make to give as gifts!
And, lastly, sorry, I know there aren't many in action shots of these projects being made...there were 6 preschoolers there and Henry! So, if you have any questions...just let me know, I'd be happy to help. Enjoy!
ps...I've got more fun handmade holiday crafts coming...keep checking back!!
Please share your pictures at my Flickr group!