Finally, finally, finally this little corner of our house feels finished. We are just coming up on two years being in this little house of ours and it feels like we are always doing something to make it feel more like a home to us. But, one little corner in our house has sadly been neglected until just recently.
It's this tiny little nook next to our fireplace and almost in the dining room. At first, there was our hideous, but extremely comfortable hand me down lazy boy recliner chair. Then, we had another hand me down chair taking its place...but this one was short lived as we found the recliner chair was really necessary in this space especially with a non sleeping baby! I kid you not in the past four years...I have probably slept a third of my nights at some point in that lazy boy with one of the kids!!
Anywho, I digress...this Christmas the lazy boy was banished to the basement, never to return again! No big deal, because this is also our Christmas tree corner, but once the tree was gone...that corner stood bare...
Then, after some time and a little bit of effort...we were finally able to get our little corner complete, under $100 by using salvaged, vintage, thrifted and free items!
Okay, so writing over photos is not my thing...sorry, I know it's hard to read...Anywho, here's the rundown... Pillow, already had, recovered with Freecycled fabric. The throw was found during this thrift store visit for $3.50.
The chair is vintage, from my favorite barn sale, Chartreuse and Co.. In fact, most of the things that I have bought for our house probably come from Chartreuse and Co.! Anyway, it had us at the front door...and then we saw the price tag...$79, alright then!
Love the details...
The door was here when we got here, but didn't fit anywhere...the stump was salvaged (free) and then Brad stripped it and turned it into one of those all the rage tree stump tables. Santa gave Violet the globe. The lamp is from Target $13 (it was in a box of four lamps). Picture wire and hooks we had in our stash. The nails are cut nails and were like $5 for a box of 100. And the little rocking chair has been in my life forever...
It didn't happen fact, it was a loooong process finding everything that would fit just right into that little corner...but, now it feels just perfect to us...and we didn't break the bank! Which makes this glass of wine taste even better! :)
Happy Sunday and Happy Earth Day to you!! I hope you enjoyed the week of recycling and reusing!
Thanks also to Jenny and Angel for inspiring me to do a few things to spruce up the house this week!! Today is the last day to sign up for Feather your Nest and you have until the end of the month to get your projects done!