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Alright, just because I am procrastinating getting an Easter dress and such made...I decided one more little Eastery craft was in order...
Well, honestly, at first, I thought I would make some of those really cute Daffodils that are made out of egg cartons, goodness knows we have enough of them around here, but then...well, I got lazy. Those egg carton daffodils require painting and drying and a lot of cutting. Why not just make some cute little daffodils out of felt.
All you need is felt (in Daffodil colors of course), I used yellow and orange because that is what I had on hand, embroidery floss, scissors, and a needle...Oh, and here's a little Daffodil template for the pieces to make it even easier!
Cut out one circle (with pinking sheers), one flower, and three trapezoids (ha, did you remember that that is what that shape was called?). Trim the top, or wider of the two uneven sides, with pinking sheers. Knot your embroidery floss and starting at the bottom (the shorter sides) sew two of the trapezoidal pieces together using a whipstitch. Once you are at the top of the two pieces, push your needle gently back through the stitches to the bottom.
Working from the bottom upwards and then down again, continue to attach all of the trapezoidal pieces together in this manner until they are all connected, ending with your needle at the bottom of the triangle flower. Next, cut a long, thin strip of felt and fold it in half for the stamen.
Push the folded side down into the flower until it reaches the bottom, secure the stamen by making a couple of stitches through it and the rest of the flower and then tie a knot.
Next, tie a knot in your floss and bring it up from the bottom of the six petaled flower in the center.
Center your triangular flower piece on the six petaled flower and attach the two by making a few small stitches.
Once the two flower pieces are attached you are ready to attach you pin or barrette...snip two small holes in your circle, feed your pin through and then add a bit of hot glue to the back of the pin and felt and press it on to your daffodil.
Of course, you could also always add a green pipe cleaner or some floral wire at the base of the flower instead to make a stemmed flower. Or, attach the flower to a headband, but as you might have guessed...that would be considered too silly for my little V!