We made boats. Nothing fancy. Simple. Have your noticed a trend here? I like simple.
So with some wood circles, hot glue, mini clothespins, craft foam, and ribbon we had some boats. It's nice to have a varied craft supply.
They floated and they sailed...
We had fun.
I attempted to make a gif...although I'm not too thrilled by it. Oh well.
Also, the wood was a bit too thin so it became water logged fairly quickly and the boats began to tip over a bit sooner than we were hoping. Boo. None the less, we had fun. And once they dried out (fairly quickly) they were ready to go again. So we experimented again...
I made some out of yogurt cups...total FAIL...I will need to try that again. But, Violet made this completely on her own and it worked!! Lots of fun...I think we shall continue to experiment with some boat making.