It's not at all feeling like fall around here. We've had 90 degree days for the past several days. It was a mean trick really, we were having such lovely fall weather and now this! It seems that in the next few days we will begin to feel a little more like fall, yay!
In the meantime there are tons of leaves on the ground to rake, but who wants to do that when it's so hot! And, in the past two days I've had two pairs of flip flops break on me, unrepairable, while out in public. Ugh. It's time for fall shoe wearing, no more flip flops!
But, whether it feels like fall or is October! Which means pumpkins, right. And pumpkiny crafts...
I've rounded up a few our past pumpkin crafty projects for a little inspiration...
Last year, for our pumpkin painting party, I painted a quick pumpkin on craft paper, taped it to a large box and cut the mouth out to make a fun bean bag toss game.
You can make your own super simple felt pumpkin treat bags...
Use this pattern to make your own pumpkin decor...or, if your pressed on time buy one ready made...
Make a few fun pumpkin treat pockets to share...
Use mini pumpkins to decorate a fall wreath...
Make a super simple 5 Little Pumpkins finger puppet. (Delia's original version is here, so so cute!)
for hours of fun and singing.And, last but not least these twine jack o lanterns are messy but fun and can be brought out year after year...
I do hope you are enjoying some fall weather where you are, or if you aren't you are trying to pretend like it's fallish out like we are!
Have a great day!