Shortly after making this dress and these pants the kids and I found ourselves at the fabric store (imagine that!) browsing the plaid flannels yet again. Across the aisle? Giant pompom trim!
The two come together perfectly to make a fun and snugly blanket.Oh man, don't you just love pompoms? And giant pompoms, fabulous! And making them is simple!
Supplies: one yard flannel, 5 yards pompom trim, sewing machine and notion.
To make: Fold and press all edges 1/4" toward the wrong side, fold and press edges another 1/2" toward the wrong side. Baste hem in place. Line up straight edge of pompom trim with edges of the blanket, with pompoms on the right side, sew pompoms in place with a 1/4" seam. Next, flip straight edge of trim toward the wrong side, edgestitch trim in place.
And that's it, done!
Sew a few straight lines and that's it! Simple, yet fabulous! Look at all of those pompoms!
And, while Henry might still not wear his flannel pants (argh!), I am not hearing any complaints about these blankets! They have been in heavy rotation since they were made. They are perfect for snuggling, of course...
But they've also been used for indoor campsites and picnic blankets. And, as it turns out, they are pretty great super hero capes and cloaks for the King and Queen as well! I love a good multitasking project!
These pompoms are so much fun, bopping all about...I see a few more of these being made in the future...heck, I want one of my own!