I just can't stop! This year I've done more Valentine decorating than I typically do, but the decorations are subtle and sweet...
Enough so, that some of these hearts might just stay out past Valentine's day!
One of my favorite ways to add a little festive touch is to switch out pictures in inexpensive frames, mine are from Ikea. At Christmastime I used some old Christmas cards to add a wintry touch.
And for Valentine's day I added in a few cut out hearts...
a metallic "tic-tac-toe" board of hugs and kisses...
and a couple reminders that "All you need is love"...
(If you are interested you can download the All you need is love vertical and/or the All You Need is love horizontal signs...)
And then, on a whim one afternoon I found a scrap of wood, hammered in some nails and wrap, wrap, wrapped...
Why have I never done any nail art before? It was so easy, and calming and fun! I want to make all things into nail art! The kids were fascinated too... so I'll surely have to let the in on the fun next time...this time I was being a little "selfish" and wanted to give it a go by myself. I promised to let them try next time!
I used square cut nails to give it more of a "rustic" look, plus we happen to have a big box of them leftover from this project.
The nails heads are more rectangular than square and from the sides they look almost triangular...
What a fun and satisfying little project this was...
Let's just pretend that I got all of the pencil marks off! Oops!
Now go, put some hearts on your walls, fill your house with love!