One day last month I overheard Violet and Henry discussing Christmas gifts...well, to be more specific, I heard Violet asking Henry what he wanted for Christmas. I actually missed the answer at the time, but soon after Violet gave me the run down...He had chosen some good things to ask for from Violet! Even better because many of them could be handmade!
I'm not sure why or how this came about, but he asked her for a stuffed monkey. Perhaps he was remembering that he gave her a stuffed angel last year and wanted something soft in return this year. Really though, I think it's just because he loves stuffed animals and he does have a fondness for sock monkeys!
When Violet first told me about the stuffed monkey wish, I'm not sure she was originally anticipating that we'd make it. But, as it turned out, we already had the quintessential socks on hand (part of the crafting/making supplies that were handed to me after my husband's mother passed away) so why not...
I've never made a sock monkey before, it seemed like an odd thing to miss out on especially since I've made so many other stuffed animals and dolls in the past! Plus, I knew that Violet and I could work on him together! She helped with some of the sewing, did all of the stuffing and helped me to draw the different pattern pieces. She made all of the design decisions, including making and adding super awesome pompom to his hat...
Picking out his eyes and the perfect bellybutton (also from my mother-in-laws handed down stash) and a fantastic little upcycled sweater bow scarf to wrap around his neck!
I did add one little design detail of my own though...
This guy turned out so well! He is amazingly soft and squishy!
He's truly got a little personality!
And, the best part...
Henry adores him!
Well done Violet, I'd say this gift was perfectly well received!