As soon I saw this bat fabric show up in Emily's instagram feed I knew I needed it! We are after all pretty big "bat fans" around here it seems...
Well need might be a little bit of a strong word...but I loved it! Plus, I always try to make the kids some sort of Halloweeny tee of one sort or the a pair of batty raglans seemed in order...
This is my first time ordering from Raspberry Creek Fabrics (I also order some mustard and the black is Laguna from Imagine Gnats). The fabric is four way stretch and super soft! The kids both immediately fell in love the moment they put them on.
The raglan is, my old tried and true, Safari Raglan from Titchy Threads. Henry is wearing a size six (at age 7 1/2) but with size 8 length for arms and body, I realized my mistake in length when his panda shirt ended up on the shortish side...
and Violet, well she just keeps growing like a weed...So, while I knew it would be on the big side this year, I knew it as least would still fit her next year I made her a size 12.
I had ordered only 1 yard not knowing what exactly I was going to make, but had managed to figure out how to squeeze two fronts and backs out of it...and then, of course, I accidentally cut two fronts for the smaller size instead of a front and back. I made it work by giving Violet a solid black back, and she likes it that way! YAY!
Three days this week the kids have had half days for parent conferences. Our weekends have been so packed with soccer since school started that it's hard to find time for our usual fall fun kinds of things, plus, with our new town/state/area...we need to find new places to do these things! Yesterday, after their half day I found a corn maze that was relatively close by and open so we decided to give it a try and squeeze it in before soccer practice. Well, as I suspected, it was barely a maze (it's what you get when you travel only 25 minutes!) but more of a small rectangle of corn planted with two paths cut through. But, it was free and empty and who doesn't like to run through corn!
We all had fun peaking our heads out through the corn, calling to each other and finding each other and just being silly.
I think it'll take a while for us to fill those "tradition" voids. We all got so used to our farms for fruit and Christmas trees.
But, at the same time we all keep the mood light and the humor high, knowing we are there for the family fun time...
and whatever else we get out of it is a bonus!
Happy Fall!