I've been on the fence for a long time now on jumpsuits...
I mean I've seen so many cute options and variations, but it never quite seemed like something for me...
Finally though I decided it was time to just try it!
The pattern is the Joni Jumpsuit from Friday pattern company sewn in dreamy dana cotton modal from Imagine Gnats...
I am in love!
Almost instantly after making this jumpsuit I wanted to make another, maybe shorts, version...
The fabric is so soft and cozy and comfortable!
The jumpsuit feels amazing on, it's like wearing pajamas...
But also makes you feel amazing and sexy at the same time!
The tie back of this jumpsuit was one of the reasons I chose the pattern. I love the tie because it allows for a custom fit...
Though sometimes it can make it take a little longer to go to the bathroom...and careful those ties don't fall in!
Despite LOVING this! I still find myself having to talk myself into wearing it...
But that's only because it's a new to me style...not because I don't like wearing it, because I really do!