Hi there! It's been a bit, hasn't it? Well, if you follow me on Instagram you know it's been a busy, but fun, summer...and that I've been sewing a ton, just not blogging. (And if you aren't following me, you ought to...)
But, let's get back to today's post shall we?
I mean, shoes! Espadrilles! That is a blog worthy topic!
When my friend Melissa, from A Happy Stitch, asked me if I wanted to be a part of her blog tour for her espadrilles kits I did not hesitate! I had already been ogling hers and her kits so I was thrilled to join! A warning though, trying to decide which fabric kit to choose is a challenge!
In the end I chose the rifle paper co les fleurs canvas because I've always loved this fabric and I love the idea of a little fun pop of color on my feet!
The kit showed up beautifully packaged (inside and out!)
Melissa thought of everything!
Included in the kit: fabric (inside and outside), soles, pins, a variety of needles, thread, needle pullers, chopsticks and interfacing. Literally the only things you need to provide are scissors and your threaded sewing machine! Plus, it's all so pretty, while also being eco-friendly with a recycled box, organic lining fabric and fabric scraps used for decorative components. The box is super sturdy and perfect for using to cart your supplies from here to there if needed as well.
Inside the kit is a little booklet with detailed instructions and illustrations on how to sew your espadrilles. The booklet provides all of the necessary information with easy to follow step by step instructions.
Each kit provides plenty of fabric so that you have room to move your pattern pieces around to fussy cut it just exactly the way you want it. You might even have enough fabric to make a second pair!
Every bit about making these espadrilles felt exciting!
Like, oh my goodness these look like shoes...
and oh my goodness I made shoes!
They were really straight forward to make, fairly simply and super duper satisfying!
I have to say, too, that they feel a little bit addictive...
My kids were amazed by the whole thing! And have already requested a pair for themselves...
My daughter was thrilled to hear that I might even have enough fabric to make her a floral pair to match!
I might have sewn the sole to one of the shoes a little looser than the other making one a tad bigger. I'm debating on whether to pull the stitches out and redo them, or simply add some elastic in the heal (Melissa gives some fit tips at the back of the booklet). For now, I'm keeping them as is to get a feel for them...
Have you made your own shoes? Are you thinking about it? I say go for it, you will not be disappointed! Like I said it's unbelievably satisfying!
You can find all of Melissa's kits here in her shop and more details on the kits on her blog.
Happy Sewing!
*I was given the espadrille kit in exchange for for participating in this blog tour. All opinions are my own.